Fred & Sandy seem to be surviving rather well, thank you! Fred is an Associate Professor at Federation University, and Sandy is running a busy household, having taken a break from some studies.
Fred has been busy, beavering away at home with his work. He used to work from home on occasion because it gave him an opportunity for more complex research and writing; now he’s there all the time. The coffee supplies are however very handy and it’s no doubt nice being closer to Sandy much of the time given the lock down.
This dynamic pair love riding, and they ensure they get daily exercise on their bikes. I confess I am challenged by their commitment to staying fit!
Sandy is an excellent cook, but the food chain is now extending to the garden also. They have a row of fruit trees at the back of the property and have planted out a glorious edible bush tucker garden bed too!
Speaking of bush tucker, Fred has a cart of bush tucker seedlings that he uses for his lessons; you see Dr Fred Cahir is an Associate Professor in Aboriginal Studies. His Masters and PhD focused on Victorian Aboriginal history. His PhD ‘Black Gold: the role of Aboriginal people on the Gold Fields of Victoria’ was awarded the prestigious Australian National University & Australian Historical Association 2008 Alan Martin Award for ‘a PhD Thesis which has made a significant contribution to the field of Australian history.’ See Fred’s website at