Ballarat International Foto Biennale: Gemma’s Lucy

“We found Lucy through a friend who trains Koolie x pups for sheep. He sent us a photo of a pup sitting in a water Trough. Gemma just fell in love with her just by looking at the photo. Gemma finally met Lucy. She smelt like a sheep farm and stunk out the car. Lucy curled up on Gemma’s lap for our trip home. Gemma bathed Lucy her first night home so she smelt better. She slept on Gemma’s bed the first night and has every night since.  Lucy has a very bubbly personality. She has became great friends with our other dog Abbi. Lucy has a very strong bond with Gemma. Lucy loves chewing on her bones on top of her kennel. She loves running and jumping in piles of leaves. She loves playing ball and tug of war. Her (assistance dog) training is going really well so she should get her training jacket soon. 

Picture of Steve Barnes

Steve Barnes

Passionate landscape and seascape photographer, branding consultant, celebrity photographer, videographer, CASA certified drone pilot, post-production expert, radio host, voice-over artist, interviewer, web designer, marketing consultant, Google My Business consultant

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