Video report: Tamara’s Raina is a Collie for all seasons

Today I had a wonderful photographic portrait selection session with Tamara who owns a beautiful Collie named Raina. There’s a real story to this beautiful dog, and Tamara has promised to send it to me soon so I can share it. One thing I can say; she was perhaps the most obedient and easy to pose dog I’ve ever photographed! Add to that, she’s a good looker and Tamara had her beautifully groomed. I hope you enjoy this brief video. I’ll follow through with more photographs on this blog and on my Four Foot Fotos pet photography social media channels (just search for Four Foot Fotos).

Picture of Steve Barnes

Steve Barnes

Passionate landscape and seascape photographer, branding consultant, celebrity photographer, videographer, CASA certified drone pilot, post-production expert, radio host, voice-over artist, interviewer, web designer, marketing consultant, Google My Business consultant

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