Classic Living Boat Trust vessel – whaler boat ‘Imagine’

This gorgeous old vessel, complete with huge timber oars and a massive tiller, lives at Franklin, Tasmania. 

From the Living Boat Trust website: “Imagine is a St Ayles Skiff, built in November 2012 by the Women on the Water (WOW) just in time to participate in the 2013 Tawe Nunnugah. Since then she has been by far the most used boat at the LBT. The St Ayles Skiff is an Ian Oughtred design based on the traditional Fair Isle Skiff – it is easy to see the Viking genes. This new design has been a big success: a boat that is easy to row, light and seaworthy, and many examples have been built for community rowing. WOW attended the St Ayles Skiff Championships in Scotland in 2013, (see, and held an international Skiff regatta in Franklin in February 2015 (see Boats came from the mainland and New Zealand, and competitors from as far afield as Scotland.
more infomation at

Picture of Steve Barnes

Steve Barnes

Passionate landscape and seascape photographer, branding consultant, celebrity photographer, videographer, CASA certified drone pilot, post-production expert, radio host, voice-over artist, interviewer, web designer, marketing consultant, Google My Business consultant

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