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Steve's Photography BLOG

Steve Barnes

Steve to the Cat Rescue!

I did a cat portrait session for Gemma from “Purrs of Point Cook” pet adoption service today. Gemma is a veterinary assistant in Ballarat, but

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Steve Barnes

Furry Fotos: Darren & Giggsy What a fabulous time! More fun with a Furry Fotos photo shoot for the Ballarat International Foto Biennale at Bridge Mall with Darren, Giggsy

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Steve Barnes

Furry Fotos: Sasha & Sarge What a gentle, beautiful giant! More fun with a Furry Fotos photo shoot for the Ballarat International Foto Biennale at Bridge Mall with Sasha

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Steve Barnes

Furry Fotos: Marty & Fletcher

Such a TEDDY BEAR!!! Furry Fotos yet again with a  photo shoot for the Ballarat International Foto Biennale at Bridge Mall, featuring Marty and Fletcher.

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Steve Barnes

Furry Fotos: Donald The Collie

What a Ring-in! Donald came for a Furry Fotos  photo shoot as a ring-in! What a great coincidence a friend accidentally over-booked 🙂 SWEET!!!  Shot

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